
Spencer’s Open Talk – Episode 168

What was it like? What happened? And what is it like now? Spencer was invited to give an “open talk” recently, and he elected to use this traditional format. It starts with “what happened?” With that moment when the reality of his powerlessness and the unmanageability of his life crashed down on him. When he…

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Step 1: Powerlessness and Power – Episode 160

What does it mean to be powerless? How can admitting powerlessness give you power over the unmanageability of your life? Spencer and Tom, joined virtually by Sara and Gerrie talk about Step 1, We admitted we were powerless over alcohol, and our lives had become unmanageable. Upcoming topics include another “gift of Al-Anon”. “Courage and…

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Worry – Episode 119

Do you worry a lot? Is it hard to get your mind off the terrible things that might happen? Or maybe it’s just obsessing on the stuff that is wrong in your life today? Think about a time before program when you were worrying. What were you worrying about? How did worrying affect your life…

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Cause, Cure, Control – The 3 Cs – Episode 81

We are told that “we didn’t cause it, we can’t cure it, and we can’t control it.” The 3 C’s capture our powerlessness. What does this mean for us, what does it mean for the ones we love who are caught in this disease? What are “the 3 C’s”? We didn’t cause our loved one’s…

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letting go – a guest meditation from Beth

  “When I heard ‘Let Go and Let God’ for the first time, it didn’t make sense to me. Let go of what? And let God do what? Hope for Today – Al-Anon Family Groups When despair led me to my first AlAnon meeting, the season was late summer. By the time the leaves on the…

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