
Your voices — 310

This episode is created by your voices, both written and recorded. Sam asks why some members shy away from service, while she finds it a vital part of her recovery. Penelope and Jessica found value in Episode 308, Program Tools. Natalie asks for some experience, strength, and hope, living with active alcoholism while maintaining a…

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Recovery on the Road interview with Mara – Episode 71

How do you take recovery with you when you travel? I talked with Mara about her recent experience traveling for several months, and how she kept her recovery program alive. Our conversation was very loosely guided by these questions: Did you think about how you were going to take your recovery program with you before…

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Face to face meetings, why are they important? – Episode 57

Have you ever wondered, “Why do I need to go to meetings? Can’t I just read the literature?” Today, Spencer and Wendy talk about Face to Face meetings and why they are important. Our discussion was guided by these questions: What resources have you used / do you use in your program? Meetings Reading Al-Anon…

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