
Old Year New Year – Episode 136

What have you accomplished in the past year? How did you work your recovery? What are you looking forward to in the new year? Reflect on your year past, look forward to the new year with these thought questions. In this episode, Spencer reflects on his 2015 and looks at his 2016 goals. Did I…

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Tradition 10 – Episode 90

Has someone brought their different political or social opinions into a meeting? How did that feel for you? Or even outside of meetings, can an opinion of another person disturb you? Today, we talk about Tradition 10, which says “The Al-Anon Family Groups have no opinion on outside issues; hence our name ought never be…

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Forgiveness – Episode 68

Do you have trouble forgiving the alcoholic or addict in your life? Have you carried hurts long after the person who hurt you is gone from your life? How can we forgive without forgetting? Let’s talk about forgiveness. Spencer and Erika share their experience, strength, and hope about forgiveness, and try to address these questions….

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life is – a meditation

  life is a garden, not a road we enter and exit through the same gate wandering, where we go matters less than what we notice Bokonon — Life Is… A friend posted this to Facebook recently. I have heard many times that “life is about the journey, not the destination”. Which says to me that…

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amends – a meditation

  The only way out of the labyrinth of suffering is to forgive. John Green, Looking for Alaska I have had a lot of anger towards loved ones in the past. I remember that I used to write down the resentments against them when I took my inventory. I was so upset from the harms that…

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