
What do we do here? – Episode 278

What is this podcast about? We’re not Al-Anon, exactly. What are we? I got a letter from a listener who asked some questions. It made me think that maybe it’s time (again?) to talk about what The Recovery Show is, and what it isn’t. Why did we create The Recovery Show? We had been sharing…

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Sadness and Loneliness – Episode 214

How were you lonely and sad? Is there a difference between loneliness and being alone? How has recovery helped to relieve these feelings? Eric and Spencer explore loneliness, sadness, and recovery guided in part by these questions. Definitions. Sad, despair, isolated, grief, loss, How did you deal with (or not deal with) sadness before recovery?…

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Serenity – Episode 167

What is serenity, anyway? And how do you get it? Let’s start with a definition: (dictionary.com) 1. the state or quality of being serene, calm, or tranquil; sereneness. 2. A title of honor, respect, or reverence, used in speaking of or to a certain member of royalty (usually preceded by his, your, etc). Synonyms 1….

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Hope – Episode 65

“… we shall hew from this mountain of despair a small stone of hope.” — Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. What is hope? How do we find hope when we are overwhelmed by a mountain of despair? Spencer, Maria, and May talk about their experiences of finding hope in the midst of their times of…

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