
Addiction’s Little Sister – 424

In the whirlwind of life’s trials, how can we turn tragedy into comedy? This question is at the heart of Liz C’s journey as she navigates her role as “Addiction’s Little Sister.” Her story, a tapestry woven with laughter, resilience, and hope, offers a unique perspective on finding light amidst darkness. Liz’s story begins in…

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Finding Hope and Sanity: Exploring Step Two – 415

Spencer opens the discussion by reiterating Step Two: “[We] came to believe that a power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.” Bruce notes that their discussion is a reflection of their personal experiences.. Personal Narratives of Insanity and Restoration Both Spencer and Bruce share their personal stories, highlighting their past struggles and how…

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Voices – 353

What is on your mind? This episode is built from your voices, sharing your experience, strength, and hope. Sharing your dilemmas and questions. Readings and Links Some of you sent suggestions of books or other resources. Many Voices, One Journey Al-Anon’s story of growth and recovery as experienced by individual members and the fellowship as…

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Hope means possibility – 328

How do we find hope when it all seems hopeless? Eric and Spencer have a conversation about hope, inspired by these discussion points and questions. Hope definition a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen. want something to happen or be the case. Often when we say “hope” we really mean…

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Spencer and Amy — a couple in recovery — 294

Recently, my wife, Amy, and I were guests on the podcast Sober Speak. This is our sharing — what it was like, what happened, and what it is like now. We spoke both of our own experience and of our shared experience. I hope that something we said connects with you.  

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