
My Body, My Codependency – Episode 204

The pit of my stomach is churning. My neck and shoulders are tense. I don’t have any energy. My whole body is out of whack. Do you feel this way? Have you felt like this? Let’s take a look at how living with alcoholism or addiction can our bodies and our health. How was my body affected…

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Meditation – Episode 151

How do you meditate? Or, DO you meditate? Meditation is something of which many of us say “I need to do that!” “I’ve got to get into doing it regularly.” “I know it would really help me.” So why is this? What is blocking us? What good can it do us? And what ways are there to meditate? Spencer…

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Gratitude 2014 – Episode 97

Can you be grateful for painful events? How do you cultivate an “attitude of gratitude”? Can gratitude help you sleep better? Join Spencer and Wendy as we talk about our experience with gratitude. We used these questions to guide our discussion. What does “gratitude” mean to you? Do you see gratitude differently now than before…

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