
Voices – 353

What is on your mind? This episode is built from your voices, sharing your experience, strength, and hope. Sharing your dilemmas and questions. Readings and Links Some of you sent suggestions of books or other resources. Many Voices, One Journey Al-Anon’s story of growth and recovery as experienced by individual members and the fellowship as…

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Gratitude 2020 – 346

What are you grateful for right now? Where do you have gratitude that isunexpected? How has the practice of gratitude helped you throughturbulent, stressful events and times? My gratitude this year is centered on people in my life. My brother, who is taking care of my aging, ailing parents. He is there when they have…

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Fear and Anxiety – 324

In a recent online meeting, the almost unanimous choice of topic was fear and anxiety. We were all feeling it in one way or another. We started with a reading from Courage to Change, January 10. It talks about “mental static” of worry, and then says “I’m learning to focus all my attention on this…

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Gratitude 2019 – 309

Every year around Thanksgiving, I give special attention to the things that I am grateful for. This is my list for 2019. This year I created an “A to Z” gratitude list. Most of these are gifts I got from this program of recovery.

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Gratitude 2018 – Episode 269

What are you grateful for in 2018? Sure, I can write a gratitude list. I am grateful for those of you who sent in your expressions of gratitude. Readings I read from One Day at a Time in Al-Anon, May 5. Kelly recommended a book, Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents, by Lindsay C. Gibson. Cristianne ordered Knock Knock…

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