
Seeing Clearly – Episode 157

“Our sight, once clouded and confused, will clear and we will be able to perceive reality and recognize truth.” Our sight, once clouded… And confused…. How was I confused? We will be able to perceive reality We will be able to recognize truth Readings in this episode are from the Al-Anon book Discovering Choices. This is…

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Worthy of Love – Episode 148

We will discover that we are both, worthy of love and loving. We will love others without losing ourselves, and will learn to accept love in return. What does this mean to you? If you had read or heard this statement when you had just arrived in Al-Anon, what would you have thought of it?…

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Joy, Fulfillment and Wonder – Episode 144

Do you have joy in your life? Do you feel fulfilled? Are you finding these gifts in recovery? Or are you still waiting for them to come? In this first episode in a series, we explore a “Gift of Al-Anon“. We will become mature, responsible individuals with a great capacity for joy, fulfillment, and wonder. Though…

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ego – a meditation

  The primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation but your thoughts about it. Eckhart Tolle When I was early in my program of recovery, someone once told me that I am not my feelings, I am not my thoughts. I remember thinking “what the heck does that mean??” I had not yet understood…

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