
Boundaries Revisited – 396

It’s been a while since we talked about boundaries. Barb N brings her own perspective and experience to this conversation. Barb hit a co-dependent bottom at the age of 52, although at that time she had never heard of the word co-dependent! She was trying to help out a homeless man, and invited him to…

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Co-Crazy – 387

Are you co-crazy? How can we recover from the state of codependent craziness? Sarah M joined us to talk about her journey of recovery from what she calls “co-crazy”. Her book is titled Co-Crazy: One Psychologist’s Recovery from Codependency and Addiction: A memoir & roadmap to freedom. Sarah says My path into recovery began when…

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CODA saved her life – Geraldine – 357

Can CODA help when you grow up in dysfunction, and then love a controlling, gaslighting partner as an adult? As a child, Geraldine lived in fear of her mother’s anger, which often resulted in beatings. She became her siblings’ protector, and felt that it was her job to soothe her mother’s moods, and to take…

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Lynne – Grief can be a wonderful thing – 293

Lynne tells her story – what it was like, what happened, and what it’s like now. She touches on grief both before and after entering recovery, on parenting, and on co-parenting with an alcoholic. Lynne tells of the alcohol fueled death of a close friend, and of the later crisis that brought her into Al-Anon….

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Families – Episode 138

Another conversation about families. What did you learn from your family of origin? How have you found new ways to relate to families in recovery? Tom joins us, and talks about what his family was like growing up, what he brought from that into his adult life, what he rebelled against, and how he is using his recovery…

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