
Integrity – 314

What is integrity and what does it have to do with recovery? Definitions the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness the state of being whole and undivided “the root of integrity is about doing the right thing even when it’s not acknowledged by others, or convenient for you.” (Psychology Today…

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Jennifer – Free from Obsession – 302

Jennifer’s adult son has been drinking alcoholically for his entire adult life, some 30 years. She wrote and offered to tell her story, where she is now living a wonderful life, free of the obsession to do something. She loves him, she is concerned about his well-being and health, but that doesn’t consume her life…

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Saying No — No is a complete sentence – 298

Is it hard for you to say “no”? Do you avoid responding instead of saying “no”? Or, maybe you say “yes” when you want to say “no”. “No” is a boundary. Typically in response to a request or requirement to do something we do not want to agree to do and is not ours to…

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Force and Power – Episode 249

Read a transcript of this episode. How have you given away your power? Did you lose power over your life when you tried to force solutions? How can you recover your personal power? Definitions Force: make a way through or into by physical strength, make (someone) do something against their will Power: the capacity or…

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Consequences – Episode 245

Do you try to reduce the consequences of your loved one’s choices and actions?  Do you have trouble enforcing consequences on undesirable behavior by others? con·se·quence ˈkänsikwəns noun a result or effect of an action or condition. synonyms: result, upshot, outcome, effect, repercussion, ramification, corollary, concomitant, aftermath, after effect; Setting Consequences I have to be…

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