
Teen Depression and Self-harm – 348

How can we use our recovery tools to help us when our loved ones are suffering from mental illness? Is it harder when our loved one is our child? Roberta shares her experience, strength, and hope around these questions. Our conversation was guided by these questions. How/when did you come to Al-Anon? Give as much…

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If I am not the Problem, there is no Solution – 347

If I’m not the problem, then there is no solution. Huh? How does this make sense for my recovery. Spencer, Eric and several listeners share our thoughts about this idea. How would you have felt about this statement before you came into recovery? In what ways were you trying to fix other people’s problems? Which…

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Co-parenting with an Alcoholic – 342

Are you struggling with co-parenting your children with an alcoholic? What are your challenges? What tools have you found? Join Lynne and Linzi as they share their experience in a conversation guided by these questions. What was it like before, co-parenting with an alcoholic before recovery? What made you realize that this wasn’t how you…

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Boundaries Today – 330

Why are boundaries important to me right now? How am I setting and keeping healthy boundaries, today? A couple of listeners shared their experience of boundaries. Spencer’s discussion is guided by this outline. How Al-Anon Works, Chapter 11 Detachment, Love, and Forgiveness has a section titled Personal Boundaries. “… many of us find it difficult…

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Men in Al-Anon – 316

Men are a minority in Al-Anon. Is this a problem? An asset? What is your experience? Join Spencer and several guests, both men and women, as we share our experience. Some of the topics we address are these: What is your experience as a man in Al-Anon?  What difficulties and challenges have you experienced? Did…

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