adult child

Parenting as an Adult Child of Alcoholics – Episode 225

What challenges have you found, as an adult child of an alcoholic, in parenting your own children? What program tools have you used, and how have they helped? What is your biggest challenge now? Several listeners shared their experience around these and similar questions. Some challenges were Not controlling. Anger Impatience “Hurt people hurt people”…

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Adult Children of Alcoholics – Episode 203

Did you grow up in an alcoholic or dysfunctional family? How has this affected your life today? How can you recover from your childhood experiences? The ACA or ACOA program was created in the 1970s by a group of Alateen members who needed a program that focused on recovery from their experiences growing up in…

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Daddy’s Medicine – Brinn Black – Episode 200

Brinn Black is a singer and songwriter from Nashville. She wrote a song, Daddy’s Medicine, about her experience growing up with an alcoholic father. Our conversation with Brinn was guided by these questions: Brinn, I have to say that the first few lines just grabbed my heart: When you’re five you don’t know there’s a stranger…

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