
Marc and Michele’s son is in prison – 287

Is someone you love facing jail or prison because of their drinking or addiction? How do you live through something like that? Michele and Marc share their experience, strength, and hope. Their son started drinking and using drugs in high school, and it’s been quite a ride since then. He is now in prison. They…

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Contentment and even Happiness – 285

The Suggested Al-Anon Welcome says, in part “… it is possible to find contentment, and even happiness, whether the alcoholic is drinking or not.” How can this happen? I was recently talking with an Al-Anon friend whose loved one had relapsed. My friend wondered if it was possible to have a life that wasn’t full…

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Would you rather be right or happy? – Episode 276

What is your first thought when you hear this question? Do you believe that “right” is “truth” and that there is only one possible “right answer” (way to do something, opinion about a topic, etc.)? Do you have “black and white” thinking? Why? What would it take to see the world in shades of gray…

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I am Powerless – Episode 257

Read a transcript of this episode. A “first step” meeting came at just the right time for me, this weekend. My mother had fallen and broke her leg. She lives almost 500 miles away, and I am powerless over the fact that she broke her leg, over the treatment that she gets, and over how…

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Denial and Acceptance – Episode 253

Did you admit to yourself or others the presence of alcoholism in your life? Why not? What happened when you broke through your denial into acceptance? What is it? Do we have to be somehow aware of a problem to be in denial? Definition from Merriam-Webster: psychology : a defense mechanism in which confrontation with…

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