What is my Motive? – 401

At a recent meeting, the topic was Step 11. I most often share about my difficulties in creating a regular program of prayer and meditation. But at this meeting,...

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Milestones – 400

Reaching and recognizing significant milestones is an integral part of the recovery process. Celebrating these moments of progress might include acknowledging the ability to set personal boundaries, letting go...

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Finding Al-Anon Lessons in Classic Novels — 399

I noticed how different people in the story respond to the drinking in different ways. It leapt off the page to me, not only because I recognized stories that...

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What we learned in 2022 — 398

What valuable lesson did you learn in 2022? Our answers include: Upcoming topics Coming up is our 400th episode. Eric suggested the topic of milestones for that “milestone” episode....

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From Wounded to Empowered: Misti B's Path to Forgiveness — 397

Misti's journey of self-discovery and forgiveness takes her through the depths of her family's addiction and abuse. Just as she begins to find inner peace, a shocking revelation forces...

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Boundaries Revisited – 396

It's been a while since we talked about boundaries. Barb N brings her own perspective and experience to this conversation. Barb hit a co-dependent bottom at the age of...

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