Spencer T talk at 71st Greeley AA Stampede

In February, 2023, Spencer gave a talk at the 71st Greeley AA Stampede. This is that talk. Readings and Links The Greeley AA Stampede is an annual AA conference...

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Listening to you – 406

Listen to the experience, strength and hope, questions, and fears of 30-ish listeners of The Recovery Show. Hear from members on topics such as these: Here are few moments...

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Working the Steps – 405

The 12 steps are indispensable in the journey towards healing. They can spark enlightenment, foster growth, and propel personal transformation. In this episode, Spencer, Karen, and other contributors explore...

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Experience, Strength and Hope from the 2023 Al-Anon International Convention – 404

Did you attend the 2023 Al-Anon International Convention? If you didn't, have you wondered what it was like? In this episode, Heather, Racheal, and Spencer share our expectations of...

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Inaction and Reaction: Navigating the Path to Meaningful Action – 403

In our lives, we often find ourselves faced with situations that require us to make decisions. We have a choice to either react impulsively or take a moment to...

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Finding Freedom from Gossip and Creating Positive Relationships in Recovery – 402

What is gossip? How is it harmful to my recovery? Spencer and Laurel discuss gossip and how it can hinder our path to recovery. We share our personal experiences,...

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