The Recovery Show

In All Our Affairs – 365

Step 12 suggests that we “practice these principles in all our affairs”. What does this mean to you? How do you do it? Definition: principle a fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system of belief or behavior or for a chain of reasoning. The AA 12 principles from the book…

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Fear of Abandonment – 364

Do you fear being abandoned? How has it driven your life? How can recovery free you from this fear? Shannon says, I wanted to speak about the topic of Fear of Abandonment because (due to my childhood trauma) it’s a fear that I have struggled against my entire life and recently in 2020 was forced…

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Finding Compassion for the Alcoholic – 363

How did I find compassion for the actively drinking alcoholic in my life? At first, I had no compassion. I had anger, frustration, and frustration, instead. Why would I want to find compassion? The two big reasons were, for me and for her. For me—I could start to release my anger, resentment, and frustration, or…

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Avoidance (running away from scary feelings) – 362

Do you find yourself avoiding scary feelings? Are you running away from things you don’t want to face? How are you facing your fears instead? Definitions We start our conversation with Kathy and Sabah with a couple of definitions, recognizing that pausing is healthy, while avoiding is usually not. Pause: interrupt action or speech briefly. –…

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Sympathy, Empathy, and Compassion – 361

Tradition 5 tells us that part of our recovery is in finding compassion for our alcoholic friends and relatives. What is compassion, and how is it different from sympathy or empathy? Definitions (from To feel sympathy, it means you are able to understand what the person is feeling.  Empathy is viscerally feeling what another…

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