Transformation Begins in Step Six – 423

In the journey of recovery, reaching Step Sixmarks a pivotal moment of transformation. This step, as we examine in our recent conversation between Spencer and Ufasaha Y, asks us to become “entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character.” It holds a promise of change through surrender and faith, allowing us to let go of what no longer serves us.

The Essence of Step Six

Step Six does not demand immediate action from us to change ourselves but rather asks us to become willing to let go of our defects of character. We are reminded that we are in a partnership with a power greater than ourselves, and our role is to accept our flaws and let go of all that stands in the way of our health and growth.

Insights from ‘Drop the Rock'

Ufasaha brought insights from the book Drop the Rock, emphasizing the importance of willingness to let go. The central metaphor is of a person holding onto a rock while trying to swim to safety—the rock symbolizes our defects, and the willingness to let go is crucial for survival. This underscores the essence of Step Six: to be ready to drop these burdens.

The Challenge of Powerlessness

Powerlessness can be a challenging concept for many, implying a lack of self-determination. However, embracing it can be freeing. We learn to relax and have faith, trusting that our higher power holds these burdens, allowing us to feel a sense of relief and freedom.

From Assets to Miracles

While Step Six encourages us to address our defects, it also invites us to acknowledge our assets. Recovery isn't only about overcoming our flaws but also recognizing and nurturing our strengths. Miracles can happen when we least expect them—transformations that were once deemed impossible become achievable through faith and patience.

Surrender, Not Submission

Surrender is not the same as submission. Surrendering means we stop fighting reality and start cooperating with it, trusting that a higher power guides us. We let go of control, recognizing that we don't have to do everything alone.

Embracing our limitations opens us to infinite possibilities. By letting go and letting God, we allow for transformation and experience moments of serenity.


As we journey through Step Six, we come to realize that transformation involves embracing who we are and our partnership with a higher power. It is a continuous process of growth and letting go, inviting miracles and serenity into our lives. Through this step, we learn to accept ourselves fully, welcoming change with open arms.

Readings and Links

We read from Drop the Rock, pp 1-2, and Courage to Change, p. 283 (Oct 9).

Our discussion followed the description of Step 6 in chapter 8 of How Al-Anon Works.

Upcoming topics

We are continuing our study of the 12 Steps. Please call us at 734-707-8795 or email with your questions or experience, strength and hope. Or just leave a comment right here.


Music from the Show

Jordan Rakei – Learning
Malika Tirolien – BETTER
Son Shine – SAULT

This Spotify playlist includes the 3 songs above, plus an alternate arrangement of BETTER, and the song that Mark McP mentioned in his email.

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