We say that alcoholism is a disease of relationships. What do we mean by this? How are our relationships damaged and how can we recover from that damage?
Spencer and Megan used these questions to guide our conversation.
- How has alcoholism affected your self-esteem? What were the results?
- Share your experience of forming and sustaining close relationships before and during time in the program.
- What about relationships we didn’t choose: family of origin/children.
- How have those relationships evolved?
- Relationships we did choose: dating, friends, jobs?
- How have you Isolated?
- How have you chosen healthier relationships using Al-Anon tools?
- What did/does becoming responsible for yourself look like?
Readings and Links
We read from Paths to Recovery, pp 8-9 and The Dilemma of the Alcoholic Marriage pg. 65.
Becky told us about her son's blog/podcast Sober Steve Recovery.
Ashley recommended a meditation by Sarah Blondin called Your Seed of Softness. She also told us that this meditation and others are available in the Insight Timer meditation app.
Nancy asked about the “Letter from God” that she heard about in an earlier episode. This is available on the Al-Anon blog.
Upcoming topics
A couple of upcoming topics: being gentle with yourself; and using recovery tools as a teacher.
Please call us at 734-707-8795 or email feedback@therecovery.show with your questions or experience, strength and hope. Or just leave a comment right here.
Hi Spencer & Megan (and all other hosts!)-
Just wanted to join the list of many people who email you to express gratitude for your podcast. I have been a member of AlAnon for a little under 4 years. It has had an incredibly positive impact on my life. It has exposed and opened me up to many different opportunities of growth and recovery, this podcast being one of them. Specific to this episode on relationships: I thoroughly enjoy the warmth and respect you show each other as co-hosts and us as listeners. I always walk away from listening with something to contemplate and integrate into my journey.
Take Care,
Thank you for sharing that Art!