What is it like being married to an alcoholic minister who is beloved of his congregation? How might it cause you to behave in crazy ways?
Today I am sharing with you a talk by Barbara K, recorded in 1993. I listened to this recently and I thought she captured so well the ways in which WE, the partners of alcoholics, can be and act crazier than our alcoholic loved ones.
Readings and Links
A listener sent some information about recovery programs that are not based on the 12 steps. She listed these:
Our guest, Josh, on episode 324, Recovery Dharma, talked about that program and Refuge Recovery.
Upcoming topics
A topic we're considering is an exploration of the idea “if I'm not the problem, there is no solution.” How does this speak to you? It's sort of a counterpoint to our recent episode “It's not your fault.” Please call us at 734-707-8795 or email feedback@therecovery.show with your questions or experience, strength and hope. Or just leave a comment right here.
Thank you this ladies story I related to so much. I appreciate the podcast so nice to have a support on hand whenever we made need.