What does it mean that this is a program of “rigorous honesty”? How have you been dishonest to others and to yourself? What have you learned about honesty in recovery?
This workshop on honesty was presented by Michele R (AA) and Kim G (Al-Anon) at the 2013 Journey to Serenity Festival (Saskatchewan Al-Anon Adult Children Festival), October 26, 2013.
In the workshop they posed these questions, from various sources, that help me explore my honesty, present and past.
- How did I fail to tell the truth as a child?
- What stories do I pass on without checking they are true?
- How do I compliment people when I feel they’ve done a good job?
- How can I tell the difference between the way things look to me and the way they really are?
- In my interactions with others do I tell the truth or do I say what I think they want to hear?
- What walls have I built to hide the person I am from others?
- How does honestly sharing the secrets of my past help me recover from the emotional damage I have endured?
- Where did I critique or put down someone else or try to hide it by saying I’m just trying to be “helpful” or giving “constructive criticism”?
- Did I try to hide a bad motive under a good motive?
- Do I spend a good amount of time on things that make the world a more loving place?
- Where am I spending energy on activities that are draining rather than life giving?
- Am I committed to participating in a community?
- Am I willing to receive as well as to give?
- Is my higher power’s opinion of me the one I value most in my life?
Upcoming topics include a personal story; faith and fear; and “who am I?” Please call us at 734-707-8795 or email feedback@therecoveryshow.com with your questions or experience, strength and hope. Or just leave a comment right here.
Music from the show
Depeche Mode: Policy of Truth
Beyoncé: Honesty
Aretha Franklin: Truth and Honesty