Do you sometimes feel that you have nothing to contribute? That your voice is meaningless? That you can't say anything to help others?
I was inspired by this reading to say “No! Your voice matters!”
People say, what is the sense of our small effort.
They cannot see that we must lay one brick at a time, take one step at a time.
A pebble cast into a pond causes ripples that spread in all directions. Each one of our thoughts, words and deeds is like that.
— Dorothy Day
Your voices, as heard via e-mail and by voice mail, form the heart of this episode. Dxpressing your experience, strength and hope, your fears, abd your questions.
Carrie sent a list of topic ideas, but more than just that — she expressed her experience and her doubts on each one. The topics are listed below, and I'd love to hear from you. Some of these, we have talked about before, but there's always more to say, especially when your voice joins the conversation. What is your experience? What hope do you offer? Where have you found strength? And what questions do you still have?
- Sleep
- Perfectionism
- How to rebuild trust when they stop drinking
- When your loved one stops drinking but won't go to AA
- Narcissism
- Al-Anon speaker talks
- How our Al-Anon-ism shows up physically
- Al-Anon slip-ups
- My first meeting
- Sponsorship – how to find one
- “Came to believe”
- Finding myself again
- Shutting down (as a defense)
- Recovery on the road
- Anger
- Carrying the message
- Gratitude
- Anything inspired by Brené Brown
- Hypervigilance
- Parenting “the Al-Anon way”
She also sent us a link to an Al-Anon speaker talk she particularly connects with. See below for the YouTube video.
If you would like to contribute your voice, please call us at 734-707-8795 or email with your questions or experience, strength and hope. See our contact page for more ways to join our conversation.
Other episodes and links
Carrie sent us these links with quotes about failure:
An Al-Anon speaker talk