How do you meditate? Or, DO you meditate? Meditation is something of which many of us say “I need to do that!” “I've got to get into doing it regularly.” “I know it would really help me.” So why is this? What is blocking us? What good can it do us? And what ways are there to meditate?
Spencer and Eric talk briefly about their (non-)understanding of meditation before coming to recovery. We explore some of the benefits of meditation. And talk about the ways in which we have practiced it. Eric points out that the key word here is “practice.” Just as we must exercise our muscles to become competent at a physical activity, we also need to exercise our “meditating muscles.” Carrie and Patty also share some of their experience and understanding.
For some articles and a video about the benefits of meditation, read on.
This short article, titled “Benefits of Meditation: The Power of the Silent Mind over the Body” quickly describes some of these benefits, including decreased anxiety and depression, along with increased pain tolerance, and and improved immune system.
A fun article about “The Most Relaxing Songs of All Time, According to Science” lists 10 songs that promote relaxation, including “the most relaxing song, ever.” Spencer recalls using the music of Enya (number 4 in the list) to calm his young children when the chaos was just too much. (Science!)
A blog post from Psychology Today, “How to Practice Mindfulness Meditation” is a brief introduction to this practice. It asks “Aren't we interested in tuning in to this natural wisdom, this brilliant sanity, that we've heard about?” Another entry from Psychology Today, titled “This is your Brain on Meditation” has more technical background about the effects and benefits of meditating.
Forbes Magazine has an article “7 Ways Meditation can actually Change the Brain“, reporting that it “helps relieve our subjective levels of anxiety and depression, and improve attention, concentration, and overall psychological well-being.”
The Insight Timer app is a great aid for iPhone or Android. Spencer also has used the Mindfulness app, which has a variety of silent and guided meditations.
Eric participates in a regular phone meditation meeting at 8:30AM (Eastern US time) 712-432-8818 and then enter the PIN 8888#. Other Al-Anon phone meetings are listed at
Patty talked about the book “8 Minute Meditation” in her voice mail.
Upcoming topics include the promise “Our sight, once clouded and confused, will clear and we will be able to perceive reality and recognize truth.” Please call us at 734-707-8795 or email with your questions or experience, strength and hope. Or just leave a comment right here.
Music from the show
Cloud Cult: Time Machine Invention
The Scientific Power of Meditation
John Mayer: Gravity