What did you learn from your family of origin? How have you found new ways to relate to your family in recovery?
Spencer and Mara talk about family, guided by these questions.
- Describe, generally, what kind of family you grew up in.
- Was there (active) alcoholism or addiction?
- Was there codepenency?
- What did you learn in your family of origin?
- About relating to other people?
- About keeping secrets?
- About love?
- How did these affect your life before recovery?
- Your relationships?
- Your ability to take life on life’s terms?
- Your desire/need to control others and your environment?
- If you are a parent, what patterns from your parents did you bring into your new family?
- etc?
- Alcoholism is described in our literature as a “family illness”. In what ways do you now understand this description?
- How has alcoholism or addiction affected you and your family (current or family of origin)? How has your perception of this changed in recovery?
- How has recovery helped you to develop / discover new ways of being in family?
- How has recovery helped you to be with your family of origin?
- How do you use the principles of the program (including traditions and concepts) in your family or other relationships today?
Upcoming topics include “We”, and the “gifts of Al-Anon.” Please call us at 734-707-8795 or email feedback@therecoveryshow.com with your questions or experience, strength and hope. Or just leave a comment right here.
Music from the show
Pink: Family Portrait
Pearl Jam: My Father's Son
Hi Spencer, can you post the reading that Mara read? Do you know where she got it from? I wanted to share it with my Al-Anon group. Let me know. Thanks!
Mara says: As I recall the book I was reading from was Pia Mellody’s “Facing Love Addiction” (she also has a book “Facing Codependence” that preceded it but I haven’t read that). She works these addictions in light of the 12 steps and certainly used language that I could immediately relate to. Many people in my Alanon circle have read it and found it very helpful.