Step 12 – Episode 53

Are you wondering whether you’ve had a spiritual awakening, or even what a spiritual awakening might be? How can you practice these principles in all your affairs? And what are “these principles” anyway? Are you not sure how to carry the message? Today, Linda and Spencer talk about Step 12, which states “Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to others, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.”

Our discussion is structured by these questions:

  • Have you had a spiritual awakening?
    • What does that mean to you?
    • How do you know?
    • What sort(s) of spiritual awakening(s) have you experienced?
  • What do you understand to be “these principles”?
    • Steps? Traditions? Concepts? Slogans? What else?
  • What are some ways in which you practice these principles “in all your affairs?”
    • In the family
    • At work
    • With friends
    • In society
  • What are some ways in which you carry the message of the program to others?
    • In meetings
    • As a sponsor
    • With family and friends
    • This podcast!
  • How does Step 12 empower and inspire you?

Our topic for next week is communication. Please call us at 734-707-8795 or email with your questions or experience, strength and hope. Or just leave a comment right here.

Music from the show

Sinead O'Connor: Feel So Different

David Bowie: Where are We Now?

Kacey Musgraves: Follow Your Arrow

Julie recommended Frank Turner's song Recovery:

Other Stuff

Spencer recommended the episode of Recovered about Serenity.


2 comments on “Step 12 – Episode 53

  1. Sharon C says:

    Hurray! I haven’t been able to access the page for 3 days, and was worried about you guys! Thanks for giving me help in my recovery over the holidays- especially since my home group here in frigid California meets Tuesday nights- so no home group for 2 weeks.

    1. The Recovery Show says:

      Our web site is being attacked by a bunch of machines in China. It got so bad that our ISP basically turned off the site for several days. I am working to add some new security features that will hopefully make this less likely to happen in the future.

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