Do you struggle to admit that you are “wrong” in the moment? Have you found an effective way to take a daily inventory? How do you feel about admitting your wrongs? What exactly does this step mean by “promptly”? Do you feel better when you make a 10th step amends? Then stick around, because today, we’re going to talk about Step 10.
Spencer, Maria, and Erika discuss our experience with Step 10, Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong, promptly admitted it. We were guided by these questions:
- What is your understanding of a “daily inventory”?
- What are some ways you might do a daily inventory? (Have you found an effective way to take a daily inventory?)
- What is a “spot inventory”?
- Do you take a daily inventory?
- The second part of Step 10, “and when we were wrong, promptly admitted it” seems pretty clear?
- What does “promptly” mean to you?
- In what ways might you “admit it”?
- Do you struggle to admit that you are “wrong” in the moment?
- How do you feel about admitting your wrongs?
- Do you feel better when you make a 10th step amends?
Please call us at 734-707-8795 or email with your questions or experience, strength and hope. Or just leave a comment right here.
Music from the show
Usher – Confessions (part 1)
Lonestar – Let's Be Us Again
The Decembrists – The Apology Song
Other Stuff
Love the Mud – Sermon recommended by Annie from Toronto
Madonna – Sorry – (“I've heard it all before. Please don't say you're sorry.”)