closer – a meditation


Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.

Earl Nightingale

I have always wanted to be healthy. I have always wanted to respond to hard times in a positive way. I have always wanted to grow spiritually. But I decided to wait until whatever difficult situation passes. “Not today. It'll take so much effort today. I just don't have time to deal with something difficult today.” That was my excuse every day.

Eventually, many days passed and nothing changed. Ironically, at times like this, I would then look back and think “if only I had done it back then, I'd be done with it by now. But I can't today, because it'll take so much effort today. I just don't have time to deal with something difficult today.” I look back on it and laugh now, but I realize I always found the time to be angry, or worry, or take someone else's inventory, but I could never find time to look at my own part in things and take the first step towards recovery.

The truth is, I was just afraid of the pain I'd have to deal with if I set a boundary or tried to become more self-aware or respond in a way that I felt was healthy. I was afraid of suffering. Being in a recovery program now, I am often reminded that pain is inevitable, but suffering is optional. And, when I finally got honest with myself, when I was behaving in those unhealthy ways, I was already suffering. But I was afraid to reach for something better for myself.

So, today, I am going to take a step that I was afraid to take yesterday – no excuses. And tomorrow, I might be in pain, but that, too, shall pass. And I shall be a step closer to the person I want to be.

A meditation for June 7, 2013.

One Step Closer – U2

4 comments on “closer – a meditation

  1. spencer says:

    I didn’t know I needed to read this, but I did. Thanks for nothing! 🙂

    But really, hard truth is what I need. Not what I want. But what I need.

  2. swetha says:

    Glad to be of service!

  3. Lorraine says:

    Thanks so much for this meditation today. It came at exactly the right time and it was exactly what I needed to hear. Thanks so much and please continue with your podcasts. They have helped me tremendously. Keep up the good work!

  4. swetha says:

    Lorraine, thanks so much for your comment! Sounds like your Higher Power at work, leading you to exactly what you need to hear! 🙂

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