The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem. Do you understand?
–Captain Jack Sparrow, Pirates of the Caribbean
I really appreciate this quote because it reminds me that when I feel like a victim or I feel like I have no choices, that I become my own problem. My attitude towards the situation molds reality for me – this is what I learned in recovery. Ironically, the first time I heard this, I got scared and felt hopeless. But thanks to the additional gifts of the program, I was able to be grateful for this new perspective on my life. If I was my problem, then I could also be the solution. Thanks to this, I was able to change my attitude. Now, I am more solution-oriented and try to be focused on the solution and not the problem. And sometimes, I make mistakes, but rather than seeing my mistakes as problems, I am able to be grateful for those times and take them as learning opportunities. My changed attitudes have changed my life!
A meditation for March 18, 2013.
Hand in my Pocket – Alanis Morissette
Love the quote source!