accept myself – a meditation




Today I can accept myself for what I am because I know that whatever happens, I have a Higher Power and a group of people who will love me anyway.

… In All Our Affairs


It was in the rooms of Al-Anon that I first experienced the unconditional love of my Higher Power. After my first meeting, a couple of members gave me their phone numbers and told me I could call anytime. I came to understand that I could talk of my deepest secrets and pain, and that I would be received with understanding, empathy and love. I could speak about my small triumphs, my tiny steps of progress, and know that you understood how hard they were, and how proud I was, but also how much I longed for more. As I “came to believe”, I saw that my Higher Power was working through you, and that the love I felt in the rooms was freely available to me at any time. As I came to know that I was loved, I was able to begin to accept myself for who I am, and to begin to love myself. It's a long road from shame and self-deprecation to self-acceptance and self-love. I am grateful to have the support of all the people in the program and of my Higher Power on that life journey.

A meditation for January 28, 2013.

We are human. That is enough.

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